THM is a European business in ultra-high technology manufacturing. Thomas and Petra Mertin founded the firm in 1996 in Alt Duvenstedt, northern Germany. An aerospace engineer by profession, Thomas found a niche for special-purpose high-grade carbon fiber components in the sports and leisure sector.
The breakthrough into the cycle industry came when THM designed and made the world's lightest cranks and fork, ridden and proved by the Deutsche Telekom pro team. These products, designated THM-Carbones, were acclaimed as the finest available for sporting bicycles.
With their success, the firm grow steadily and in 2003, we moved into the present premises Am Sportplatz in Alt Duvenstedt.
In the following years, THM added further components to its portfolio: cranksets, brakes, and now a stem. THM’s super-premium products are highly prized by custom bike builders.
THM’s compact team of expert staff is now free to pursue our engineering ideals.